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Volume VII Number 2
December 1998

Who invented the CD? Why Sony and Phillips of course! Wanna' bet?

Earlier this year I happened to be scanning the news on the ABC News web site. What to my wondering eyes should appear but an article about a one James T. Russell, inventor of the CD! Huh? Why should all of the magazines I've ever read and all those adds by Sony and Phillips (proclaiming without reservation their superior intellect in inventing the CD) not have included this fact, not even in passing? I noted this in the last issue of Sound Off. Everything was calm until I read Ken Pohlmann's column in the October 1998 issue of of Stereo Review. Good old Kenny gives full credit to Sony and Phillips for the invention of the CD. His exact words are: "Although I greatly respect Sony and Phillps (among other reasons for the invention of the CD),..." I can only take so much of this pure, unadulterated b...t from someone who knows better. Read the original article that ABC News based their report on, followed by my letter to Stereo Review. Keep in mind something as you read the CD article. Little Jimmy Russell's invention goes back to 1965! That's 20 years before the first consumer CD hit the market As always, enjoy! .

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