After Hurricane Juan
"On Sunday, September 28, 2003 the Halifax region was hit
hard by Hurricane Juan.
Wind speeds approached 200 km/hour. Considerable damage was caused to Halifax
infrastructure and many trees fell. It is heart-breaking. In the Public Gardens 51
large trees fell, which is about 25%. In Point Peasant Park about 10,000-20,000
trees of all sizes fell (about 20%). Approximately 80% of all the large trees were
destroyed. Considerable and un-warranted tree cutting in Point Pleasant Park by the
Canadian Food Inspection Agency contributed greatly to the reduction of the forest's
resistance to strong winds. Both parks are closed at this time and it will take
several months to 1/2 year before they will re-open.
There is little doubt that we collectively contributed to this disaster. Relentless
"development" and lack of environmental responsibility and regard for nature leads
to global changes of water, soils and air. Solar radiation, winds and moisture are
affected and influence the climat. In turn this leads to global warming, more violent
weather conditions and the creation of more violent storms.
This special edition of the Public Gardens CD has more than 580 full screen size
(1024 x 768 pixels) pictures documenting
Hurricane Juan's destruction. They are divided into "Halifax", "Point Pleasant Park"
and "Public Gardens". These pictures were taken with two digital and one 35mm cameras."
Marek Roland, Ph.D., Digital Recordings
Samples from the Public Gardens folder (after Hurricane Juan)
There are over 220 high-resolution (1024 x 768 pixels)
pictures of the Public Gardens after Hurricane Juan.
To view 6 photo samples, click on the picture to the left.
Samples from the Point Pleasant Park folder (after Hurricane Juan)
There are over 220 high-resolution (1024 x 768 pixels)
pictures of the Point Pleasant Park after Hurricane Juan.
To view 6 photo samples, click on the picture to the left.
Samples from the Halifax folder (after Hurricane Juan)
There are over 150 high-resolution (1024 x 768 pixels)
pictures of Halifax after Hurricane Juan.
To view 6 photo samples, click on the picture to the left.
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