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Digital Function Generator

Digital Function Generator (DFG) is a powerful tool for generating stereo 16-bit sounds of arbitrary complexity and ultimate quality. Signals are generated in real time and do not require the DSP processor.

DFG consists of 10 software modules for generation of pure tones, square waves, triangular waves, sawtooth waves, delta-pulse train, white noise and narrow band noise in the 0 to 22,000 Hz frequency range. Wave amplitude is adjustable in the -140 to 0 dB range and S/N ratio is 95 dB.

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Digital Function Generator Modules

[ REAL-TIME SINE WAVE GENERATOR ] - for generation of pure tones in the 0 to 22,000 Hz frequency range

[ REAL-TIME SQUARE WAVE GENERATOR ] - for generation of square waves in the 0 to 22,000 Hz frequency range

[ REAL-TIME TRIANGULAR WAVE GENERATOR ] - for generation of triangular waves in the 0 to 22,000 Hz frequency range

[ REAL-TIME SAWTOOTH WAVE GENERATOR ] - for generation of sawtooth waves in the 0 to 22,000 Hz frequency range

[ REAL-TIME PULSE WAVE GENERATOR ] - for generation of delta-pulse trains in the 0 to 22,000 Hz frequency range

[ REAL-TIME NOISE GENERATOR ] - for generation of white noise in the 0 to 22,000 Hz frequency range

[ 1/1 OCTAVE BAND NOISE GENERATOR ] - for generation of 1-octave narrow band noise in the frequency range from 100 - 200 Hz to 11,000 - 22,000 Hz (adjustable in 100 Hz steps).

[ 1/3 OCTAVE BAND NOISE GENERATOR ] - for generation of 1/3-octave narrow band noise in the frequency range from 100 - 126 Hz to 17,500 - 22,050 Hz (adjustable in 100 Hz steps).

[ REAL-TIME PULSE WAVE GENERATOR ] - for generation of narrow band noise with bandwidth adjustable from 20 Hz to 2,000 Hz and center frequency adjustable from 0 Hz to 22,000 Hz.

[ DFG_VOLUME ] - for precise and separate adjustment of volume in Left and Right channels from -86 dB to 0 dB in 2 dB steps (on NeXT computer; it may be different on other hardware). This module also allows switching the internal speaker ON and OFF.

DFG Applications

DFG is ideal for research and teaching in the fields of acoustics, psychoacoustics, electronics, electroacoustics, physics, mechanics, vibration measurements, architecture, audiology, speech pathology, transducer testing, etc.

Hardware Requirements

NeXT, HP, Intel, Sun running NeXTSTEP operating system.

DFG Demo

A demo version of DFG in NeXTmail format is available for download (100 kB).

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